Piano Lessons at SIXTY

     Did you ever take piano lessons?  I did, when I was 12?  But allow me to backtrack a bit for when I first noticed the piano at home. My music loving father, he played the piano; he played by ear – ouido.  He had this big  record collection - Bach, Chopin, Wagner, Strauss, Mozart,…

In Praise of Not-Yet-Empty-Nesters, otherwise titled: How to Enjoy Having Adult Children at Home

     I have a full nest.  My children are all single adults and fairly – am trying to be humble here – doing well.  My 31 year old son, an Aspie (person with Asperger's Syndrome, Google this please), takes short certificate courses, busies himself decorating and redecorating his room with corkboards filled with photos of…

Good Days and Bad Days

It’s funny now, but it wasn’t a few days, up to a few hours ago.  See, last month I read something that went like this -- EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY.  So if something wonderful happens to you, enjoy and really savor the moment.  But do not forget that it’s temporary. And then.  Something not-so-nice will take…

It's how I like to describe BIRTHDAY. You're in chapter 12,  chapter 15, and 18 now, I would tell my kids  - and now that they are in Chapters 23, 28 and 31 and Honey is in 60, I am looking at my Chapter 59.  Thinking am not quite "there" yet, whatever "there" has in…